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Personal â€‹


citizenship: french

date of birth: 03/06/1989

marital status: married, two children

residence: Gif-sur-Yvette, France




2021 -  present

CNRS researcher (CR), LCEG, AIM, Campus Paris-Saclay, France.

2017 -  2021

CNRS researcher (CR), Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France.

sept 2017

Post doctoral researcher, IPhT, CEA-Saclay, France.


2015 -  2017

Post-doctoral fellow at CITA, Toronto, Canada.


​2012 - 2015

Teaching assistant at Université Paris VI

Courses included: Kinematics, Dynamics, Mathematics for Chemists and Biologists at B.Sc. level (192 hours)


2011 - 2015

PhD student at Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

thesis: From cosmology to galaxy formation : what can we learn from the large-scale structure of the Universe?

supervisors: Christophe Pichon and Dmitry Pogosyan.    



2-month Master 2 training at IPhT, CEA, Saclay, France.

“Implementation of Perturbation Theory for large-scale structure studies” (in french)

supervisor: Francis Bernardeau. 



6-month Master 1 training, Oxford University, UK.“How large-scale dynamics set the spin of dark matter halos?”

supervisors: Julien Devriendt and Christophe Pichon. 



Bachelor training “Topology of BTZ black holes”

supervisors: J. Troost (LPTENS) et F. Béguin (laboratoire de Mathématiques, Paris XI). 


2018 Merac prize in Theoretical Astrophysics awarded by the EAS


2016 sf2a thesis prize 


CITA fellowship (2015-2017)


ENS (AMN) doctoral grant (2012-2015)


Projects and grants

member of the Euclid consortium


PI of the MERAC grant "Cosmic Web Matters" (100 kE)


PI of the ANR grant "SPHERES" (280 kE)



​2011- 2015

Ph.D in Astrophysics, Université Paris 6, France.



Diploma of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Physics and Mathematics.



Master’s degree, Theoretical Physics, ENS & Université Paris XI, France.    


Bachelor’s degree, Physics, ENS & Université Paris XI, France.

Bachelor’s degree, Mathematics, ENS & Université Paris XI , France. 



Entry to Ecole Normale Supérieure.



Classes Préparatoires MPSI/MP* (a two-year intensive program in advanced mathematics and physics to prepare the national competitive exam for entry to engineering schools), Montpellier, France. 



French Baccalauréat (High school diploma), Nîmes, France.    


(+33) 01 69 08 35 87


AIM, Bat 709, Orme des Merisiers

91191 Gif sur Yvette

© 2015 by Sandrine Codis

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